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Shawnee Harle
Mar 23, 20241 min read
Perfection is a dead end. It's a fear based behaviour.
Does the pursuit of perfection hinder performance? YES it does! I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach and many of my clients are...

Shawnee Harle
Mar 14, 20241 min read
Your words have POWER.
"I suck." "I'm useless." "Why do I even bother?" I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach and the negative self-talk I hear from...

Shawnee Harle
Feb 29, 20241 min read
STOP Focusing on the Poop!
A coin has two sides. Most athletes look only at tails. I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach and this is what I tell my clients:...
Shawnee Harle
Jan 22, 20241 min read
I'm TIRED of Goals
"3-1. So incredibly proud of this team." "Team went a dismal 3-5 this weekend." "Gotta brag on my kid. 3 goals today." "Lost by 4. Not...

Shawnee Harle
Dec 27, 20231 min read
"Get out of your head!" That's BAD advice!
"GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!" Do you think this advice helps athletes? And where are they supposed to go? I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental...

Shawnee Harle
Dec 4, 20231 min read
STOP Relying on Motivation
"What's the most important Mental Toughness skill?" Great question and it's one I'm often asked. I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Tougness...

Shawnee Harle
Nov 22, 20231 min read
STOP Listening to Sheep
"You will never be criticized by someone doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less." Maybe, maybe not. ...

Shawnee Harle
Nov 8, 20231 min read
Feelings Are NOT a Menu
Here's the bad news: you don't pick and choose your feelings. They are NOT a menu. "Today I choose happiness for breakfast, motivated for...

Shawnee Harle
Nov 2, 20231 min read
STOP the Negative Self-Talk
STOP taking pride in being hard on yourself. It decreases performance It decreases confidence It decreases self-esteem Here's the good...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 29, 20231 min read
Teammates giving you the cold shoulder?
How does your child, your athlete handle teammates that treat them like this: ignore cold shoulder eye roll I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 11, 20231 min read
3 Steps to Handle Nerves
No getting around it; nerves are part of sport. No matter how hard you try, they rarely disappear. I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness...

Shawnee Harle
Aug 29, 20231 min read
Imperfection is Normal
STOP expecting your kids/athletes to play to their potential every time. Learning is full of ups and downs. Growth requires hardships and...

Shawnee Harle
Aug 4, 20231 min read
The PRESSURE is coming. Is your athlete prepared?
Is your athlete prepared to handle pressure? When the game is on line, it's a mistake to rely only on physical skills. It's the ability...

Shawnee Harle
Jun 25, 20231 min read
Goals vs Values. What's the difference, why does it matter?
FOR ATHLETES: Athletes have a difficult time separating who they are from what they do. And it can negatively impact self-esteem. I'm a...

Shawnee Harle
Jun 17, 20232 min read
Mistakes bringing you down? Causing too much noise in your head? Time to SHIFT!
The other day I was playing a very competitive game of pickle ball. My teammate and my opponents were REALLY good. I'm pretty good too...

Shawnee Harle
Jun 11, 20232 min read
WAIT: What Am I Thinking? Thoughts are NOT free.
Are thoughts running around in your head like unsupervised children on a playground; hitting each other, teasing each other, falling off...

Shawnee Harle
May 7, 20231 min read
It's time to tell the voice of self-doubt to SHUT UP!
There's a BIG difference between listening to yourself and talking to yourself. What do I mean by that? Well, have you ever noticed what...

Shawnee Harle
Apr 23, 20232 min read
STOP avoiding your feelings! It's hindering your emotional intelligence. FACE them instead.
The other day I was working with a youth golfer. "I get really nervous before I play. And I'm even more nervous when I'm standing over...

Shawnee Harle
Apr 16, 20232 min read
Playing down to the competition? What's really going?
I'm working with a 14 year old basketball player and we had this conversation the other day: "I'm on a new team and my parents came and...

Shawnee Harle
Mar 26, 20231 min read
FROM it or THROUGH it? What do High Performers do?
When your kids/athletes are practicing/training, are they intentional? Are they mindful? How would you rate them on a scale of 1-10?...
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