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Shawnee Harle
Oct 31, 20221 min read
Get out of your head!
"YOU'RE IN YOUR HEAD! GET OUTTA YOUR HEAD!!" Do you think that's good advice? Do you think it does anything to help athletes? I'm a...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 31, 20221 min read
Who wants it more?
"It's going to come down to who WANTS IT MORE." Well that's simple then. All I need to do is want it lots, and I get to have it. I just...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 31, 20221 min read
Eat That Frog!
"If you have to EAT A FROG, it doesn't pay to look at it all day." High Performers eat frogs every day. It's the opposite of...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 31, 20222 min read
Punishment Creates Fear
In my Mental Toughness programs, I hear from athletes and they tell me things they don't tell anyone else. They tell me what punishment...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 30, 20221 min read
Fear of People's Opinions
Is your athlete suffering from FOPO? Fear Of People's Opinions stifles creativity and risk taking. It causes your athlete to play it...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 30, 20221 min read
Underperforming really sucks.
Losing feels awful but you know what feels worse? Under-performing. Under-performing is a nice way to describe choking. You know what it...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 30, 20221 min read
Why do athletes play it safe?
Why do some athletes perform well in practice/training but not in games/competitions? Why do they go for it in practice/training but...

Shawnee Harle
Oct 29, 20221 min read
Confidence or Courage?
If you could only pick one, which would you choose? I would choose courage. Here's why: - confidence is an emotion based on results -...
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