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Goals vs Values. What's the difference, why does it matter?

Shawnee Harle

FOR ATHLETES: Athletes have a difficult time separating who they are from what they do. And it can negatively impact self-esteem.

I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach and here's what I notice when I work with athletes:

  • "I lost" = "I'm a loser"

  • "I failed" = "I'm a failure"

  • "I made a mistake" = "I'm a mistake"

This short video offers solutions:

FOR PARENTS/COACHES: Sport builds character. It also REVEALS it.

Parents/Coaches your character is revealed every time you show up at the field/rink/gym/pool:

  • It's time to remember your VALUES

  • It's time to remember your WHY

  • It's time for your GREATEST SELF to show up

Pay attention to your character. Your kids and athletes are watching.

This short video will help:

Are you and your family ready to fill up your Mental Toughness Toolkit? Mental Toughness Master Class is waiting for you!


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