Athletes have a difficult time separating who they are from what they do. And it can negatively impact self-esteem.
I'm a 2x Olympian and Mental Toughness Coach and here's what I notice when I work with athletes:
"I lost" = "I'm a loser"
"I failed" = "I'm a failure"
"I made a mistake" = "I'm a mistake"
This short video offers solutions:
Sport builds character. It also REVEALS it.
Parents/Coaches your character is revealed every time you show up at the field/rink/gym/pool:
It's time to remember your VALUES
It's time to remember your WHY
It's time for your GREATEST SELF to show up
Pay attention to your character. Your kids and athletes are watching.
This short video will help:
Are you and your family ready to fill up your Mental Toughness Toolkit? Mental Toughness Master Class is waiting for you!